What?! Two post's in one day!! I must be Wonder Woman!

Okay, i'm not really saying that i am Wonder Woman, just putting it out there that none of you have ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room. Um, okay so really none of you have ever actually seen me at all. Whatever... 
I'M WONDER WOMAN! Just deal with it.

Okey dokey, moving right along...

So while trying to decide what border i wanted next on my Indian Summer quilt i came across this Tula Pink block and loved the idea of it. But i wasn't to fond of the blue stripe running along the multi stripes. And of course it needed to be paper pieced. So off to Threadbias i went to try my hand at designing my own pattern. After a half hour or so i had this...

Simple, i know, but effective right?! So simple in fact that it's probably already been designed before and i'm just to lazy to search the interwebs for it. So if you know of this block would you mind passing the link over here! Thanks.

Anyhoo, after "designing" this, i went ahead and broke it down into pieces and made this...

Pretty impressive eh? I know... just go ahead and say it. I'm awesome. (And if we could all just ignore the fact that my top and bottom coral stripes don't quite make it to the edge, thanks.) And also i realize that this could have been made quite easily without paper piecing, but really, where's the fun in that! So i think four of these are in order for my next cornerstones! Now off to figure out the border!

xo wonder woman

Linking up with Kristy at the Paper Piecing Party! 
 You should seriously head over there and check out her Rapunzel block for Gina... amazing!


  1. Lol you crack me up! But you are totally AWESOME. That block looks fab and yay for a great choice for the next border! I think I paper piece everything too, or at least think about it ;)

  2. Oh my goodness that is just too cute. Nice job, Wonder Woman! I really need to give this Threadbias thing a try....

  3. Very nice block - I need to try out Threadbias too.

  4. You are so awesome Wonder Woman!!

  5. Love it. I want to paper piece everything!

    Can Wonder Woman come tell my kids to sleep through the night? Please and thank you.

  6. Ha! "Wonder Woman" ;) Having just read your last post, I think you're worthy of the title! This block looks beautiful -- and, though I am no expert, I can tell you that it does not appear anywhere in the BB encyclopedia's "equal nine patch" category, so we just might have a snips *original* on our hands!

  7. You are cute! Love the intro to this post! And your cornerstone block is looking sweet, too! Great design!



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