Not my usual post...

So i know i usually reserve this blog for my quilty adventures, and the little bits of my boys that i show but this past weekend has lead me to writing the following letter. Which i sent to both our city's mayor and our local newspaper. I though i would also post it here... I think it's pretty self explanitory as to what happened.

Enjoy ;)

A thank you letter to the City of Guelph

Thank you Guelph for a truly unforgettable Canada Day long weekend.
Thank you first to the construction supervisor on Alice street. Who thought it would be a great idea to load up all of the garbage from the unreachable houses and dump it all over my neighbors front lawn for our Friday morning collection.
And a big thank you to Guelph's garbage collection team who then neglected to pick up all of the garbage from Duke St.
A special thanks for having office hours that only go until 4 p.m. So when normal people get home from work they have no one to call about said garbage being left at the start of a long weekend.
Thank you though for providing that 1-800 number to call when you are closed for the day. And thanks to the lady I reached at the 1-800 number Saturday morning. You were super! What with all your helpful advice and enthusiasm for your job. And promising to call me back before the end of the day, why that's just great service! But if you had no intention of actually calling me back why would you lie?... that's not very nice.
But I would definitely like to thank whoever it was that found the time, (and found it in the city's budget) to send out not one, but two street sweepers to clean the dirt off of Duke street Saturday. Kudos to you, I guess all that rain we had didn't do the job as effectively as you would have liked.
I will say, it was nice to have the temperature drop on Sunday though. So when all our family and friends came over for our pre-fireworks Canada Day BBQ at least they didn't have to smell that lovely baked in the sun for two days garbage smell that our neighborhood has taken on. Though the sight of ripped open garbage bags all over everyone's front lawn was a nice touch to our festivities.
And last but certainly not least, all the birds and animals of Duke St. would like to extend a heartfelt thank you, for providing them with the wonderful smorgasbord  they've had for the long weekend!
Yours with sarcasm,
N. Calver
Duke St. Homeowner

And yeah, he's eating McDonalds nuggets... don't judge ;)
I'll be back tomorrow with my regularly scheduled post's!

xo snips


  1. ugh. sorry. that's a rough weekend indeed.

  2. Cute raccoon!! Ugly garbage :(

  3. Sorry you had to deal with all the trash. The raccoon looks like a happy camper. Raccoon says"it's leftovers grab bag, you never know what you're going to get".


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