The "I Didn't List'

I have lists...lots of lists. I have a to do list for every room in our house, I have lists for sewing projects, painting ideas, birthday presents to buy and birthday presents to make. A perpetual Christmas gift list that I’m constantly adding things to and removing things from. I have cleaning lists, general to do lists,  shopping lists, wish lists, books to read lists, books to buy lists, things for Sam lists. Lists on my laptop, on receipts, in notebooks, on random scraps of get the idea.
I’m a serial lister, which isn’t a problem, I love making lists and they keep me organized, the problem is I never seem to do the things on the lists.
My "to do" lists look more like  "I didn't" lists. I really need to stop making lists and start doing the things on my lists.
So to help me with my obsession what do I do...

I join Day Zero...

a site that encourages you to make a list...

a big list.

Crazy right?
Lets fix my serial listing by making another list. Surprisingly it seems to be working. The idea is to make a list of 101 things you want to do in 1001 days. I joined July 23rd and I’ve already completed 3% of my list. I know it doesn’t seem like much but for me it’s big...I’ve had lists for years that never get anything checked off. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I have a deadline to finish everything or the fact that my list is out there for the world to see, but whatever it is I’m finally getting things done...and I seem to be more motivated to get things done! Here’s my list, check it out...
                                                                      my day zero list

One of the things on my list is to photograph and blog about everything I complete on my be prepared for some random posts on random things. I’m hoping it will help me get in the habit of posting on a more regular basis, as well as helping me improve my photography skills...let me know how I’m doing!!



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