
So I haven't quite been able to nail down this whole crafty, blogging, supermom deal yet.
I lurk in so many other crafty mom blogs and I'm amazed at what they are able to accomplish in a day.
Seriously, some of these moms have multiple kids, craft as work, cook, message on other people's blogs and still have time to write witty posts of their own.
I'm lucky if I can get my teeth brushed before lunch, do a load of laundry and  feed myself. Forget finding the time to do anything crafty or get any sewing done.
Now don't get me wrong I'm loving every minute of being at home with Sam, I just wish someone would let me in on where to get the superhero cape.
I must confess though, I do spend quite a bit of time blog lurking...
I wonder if perhaps I need to spend less time on the internets and more time in my studio...hmmm.
There's one small problem with that though...
                                                   ...this is the state of my studio.
I have a good reason for this, I swear.
Now Mr. Snips would say that the reason is because I have too much stuff, and I need to get rid of it all...
But I can assure you that I need all of this stuff.
Please don't think I'm one of those crazy hoarding people...I'm not. The rest of our house doesn't look like this, though Mr. Snips would say that I have too many books and he wonders why we need so many different sets of dishes.
But some people might think that perhaps one person's mess is another person's filing system.
Unfortunately that is not the case. If it's not out in plain view I have no idea where it is.
See I had been using our library/dining room as my studio and the basement as more of a holding room. Then we found out we were having Sam... long story short, everything in the library/dining room was moved into the basement to make room for the nursery.
I thought I would have plenty of time to finish the nursery, then move on to organizing my studio. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case and now I have a studio that looks like a bomb went off in it.
I'm hoping that by publicly posting an image of my disaster zone it might just push me to get it cleaned up. We'll see.

But have you ever seen a cuter reason for not getting anything done?


  1. Your baby is adorable! I can understand how hard it is to drag yourself away from him to get anything done! Don't worry, little by little you will get back to art and crafting...I have 4 kids and I've learned that I just NEED to create in order to stay sane! (I have 4 teenagers!)

  2. Thanks...ya he's a cutie alright. He's our first so i hesitate to leave him for even a minute in case i miss something. But i'm definitely feeling the itch to get crafty.
    Can't imagine finding crafty time with four definitely fall into the supermom category:) kudos!


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