Week 17 | Long Time Gone Sew-along | Checkerboard Blocks

Can you believe how far we've already made it in the Long Time Gone Sew-along?!! We're almost at the finish line!! Wahoo!! This week is simple, which is always a nice way to send a sew-along, don't you think? :)

For our final blocks we're whipping up some easy peasy checkerboard blocks! I've made mine using two different techniques that work to use up small stash as well as mixing in some fabrics you may have already used in previous blocks! Shall we get started?

General Information
Measurements for the pieces needed to construct this block will not be provided in this tutorial. It is a pre-requiste of making this block that you have a copy of the pattern, Long Time Gone by Jen Kingwell. Measurements, where applicable, can be found in this book and it’s associated media.
If you’re using the Marti Michell Perfect Patchwork Templates you can find the conversion chart by clicking here.
I have no hard and fast rule for pressing. I generally press my seams in the direction they want to go. For the checkerboards I found it worked best to press all the seams open.  But find a way that works for you and be consistent with it through out your block. Here's a photo of the back of  my block so you can see how I've pressed my seams.

Block Construction
First up, gathering and cutting your fabrics, cutting instructions for this block can be found on page 25 of your instruction book.
For my checkerboard blocks I've cut a couple of strips of my background fabric in the correct width by WOF (width of fabric) as well as smaller strips of some of my fabrics I've used in previous blocks. I also have some smaller squares that I cut to use in my Trip Around the World block and didn't end up using.

I had some other larger squares as well that I cut and didn't end up using for other blocks, so these I just trimmed down to the correct size! 

So we'll start with the individual squares first. It's easy, all you need to do is this,

Told you it was easy! I did keep some of my squares set aside to add onto my final checkerboard strips that didn't have an even number. For the strips it's just as easy, but the cutting comes after the sewing.

Super simple! Now all you have to do is...

I like to put all my pairs into a bowl or paper bag and grab without looking as I sew them together. That way I don't spend an eternity trying to create the perfectly placed "random pieces" block.
Then sew your checkerboard strips into the correct number of rows!

You will need the following checkerboard panels;
1@ 2x9
2@ 3x10
1@ 1x14
1@ 4x7
1@ 3x15
1@ 3x12
1@ 3x4
1@ 2x32

Don't forget to pop over to Angie's by clicking here, to see her checkerboards made with her stunning collection of Alison Glass fabrics! She'll also have some handy tips and tricks to help you out!

 Marti Michell is also offering a conversion chart and tutorial on how to make this block using her templates. See Marti’s tutorial and get the conversion chart by clicking here.

Prize Winning Details

Of course the ultimate prize is making this amazing quilt, but if you'd like to also throw your hat in the ring to win some amazing prizes from our amazing sponsors then here's the information you need to know. You can find out more about our sponsors and the prizes on offer by clicking here.
We've made it as simple as possible for you to win. To be eligible for all prizes on offer all you have to do is:

  • Post a photo of one of this weeks block to your Instagram account between 12:01am July 5th and 11:59pm July 11th 2017 in your timezone
  • Tag your photo with the hashtags #LongTimeGoneSAL #AlisonGlass #AndoverFabrics #SewWithTheBest #AnnaMariaHorner #FreeSpiritFabrics #JenKingwell #LongTimeGoneQuilt #AmitieTexiles #MartiMichell #LovePatchworkQuilting
  • Be Following these accounts on Instagram:
  • @GnomeAngel
  • @SnipsSnippets
  • @AlisonGlass
  • @AnnaMariaHorner
  • @JenKingwell
  • @AndoverFabrics
  • @FreeSpiritFabrics
  • @MartiMichell
  • @LoveQuiltingMag
Please Note: You do not need to tag these accounts in your images, if you use the hashtag #LongTimeGoneSAL we'll be able to find you! 
You will also need to do the following:
  • Post a photo of each of the blocks in their relevant weeks in your timezone. You can find the block timetable by clicking here
  • Complete the quilt top and post it to Instagram within July 19th and midnight July 28th in your timezone.
  • All photos will need to have the relevant hashtags on them.
  • You will need to be following all the relevant Instagram accounts at the time of the drawing.
Need help keeping all of that clear in your head, Angie has made up a fabulous Long Time Gone SAL Tracker, you can grab it by clicking here to download.

For more information you can find commonly asked questions and their answers by clicking here.
And that is is for this week! See you all next week when Angie takes us on the adventure that is assembling the quilt top!!
High fives for summer holidays here, finally!
xo nicole


  1. Love the instant blind randomizer tip!! I can't believe how time has flown with this....

  2. Hi Nicole....I just have my City Sampler from the 100days100blocks all quilted and bound and will probably play along again next year. I think you're up in the Guelph area? I'm doing a trunk show Wednesday up in Fergus, wondered if you belong to this guild? I'll show my City Sampler....love it!

  3. The American Sewing Guild is a national association committed to getting the message out about sewing. Best Sewing Machines


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