So at what point does one need an intervention?

I only ask because there may be a slim possibility that i may need one.

These are "some" of the quilts i have on the go right now.

My day today was spent upstairs in my studio pulling everything together that i have started and not yet finished. I'm thinking about taking part in the 2013 Finish - A - Long being hosted by Leanne over at she can quilt, with the hope that maybe at least one of these projects could get finished. I really had no idea that i had this many projects on the go. And the above photo doesn't show the box under the table with four quilts ready to be quilted, one in need of a binding, and the two quilts at my mom's house. One that is halfway quilted and one that is ready to be quilted. 

The little blue basket on the left is holding seven quilt tops waiting for backs to be made, in front of it are six of the nine Washi Swoon blocks i've slowly been plugging away at. Then there's the box with the zipper bags... each of the bags contains quilt blocks in various states. Some are finished blocks that just need to be assembled into quilt tops, some are filled with fabric that's been cut to make blocks, some blocks need to be squared up, and some need more "rings" to complete them, like the stack of Converging Corners blocks in the front of the shot. In total there are sixteen more quilts waiting to be finished.

For those of you that have been counting, that's thirty one quilts i have on the go right now. Thirty One!!
Damn... i just remembered about the ziploc i have of AMH voile hexies in my purse. Make the count now thirty two. That's also not including all the fabric i have pulled with other quilts in mind and just haven't gotten around to cutting into yet. Which is probably a good thing. I'm also now thinking that the Finish-A-Long is a great idea and i definitely need to participate.

So what do i do now that i know how many quilts i have on the go?
...pull fabric for another project.

I know, i know, i have a problem... but in my defense these aren't for a quilt. I grabbed a Divided Basket Pattern from Anna over at Noodlehead, and thought it would be perfect for my small sewing projects, you know, so they're not left all over the house. So really this is a necessary project, it will help keep me organized and could potential increase my productivity... anybody buying this?
So i guess the question is... Should i go ahead and start on this, or finish up some quilts on the list??
Thirty two high fives for everyone!


  1. I'm impressed! 32 WiP\UFOs? That's a lot. Good luck!

  2. Yep you read that correctly 32...I'll hopefully be listing them all soon with photos so i can decided which ones i want to tackle for the 2013 Finish A Long.


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