WIP WEDNESDAY!... yeah, yeah i know it's Thursday.

But in my defense i did start this post yesterday.
And i've come to the conclusion that my time management skills are rather pitiful. Oh well...

...here's a bit of what i have on the go right now.

I would love to post pics of everything in progress right now but i've officially lost count of the number of quilts i have on the go right now.  I believe i'm working on about 15 or so. And that's not including the stacks of fabrics i've pulled and bundled for other ideas as well as the rest of the ideas bouncing around in my head.

I really need a bit of focus to get some of these projects crossed off my list.

So today, instead of working on a project to sell (like i should have been), i decided to tackle another block of my Christmas quilt. 

I began this quilt with a stack of Maude Asbury's Tinsel line and some coordinating solids and basic prints, and no firm plan of what i wanted to do. Then somewhere along the way i decided to make it a bit of a sampler... just trying out a few blocks here and there that i liked.
My first was the wonky star block above that finished out at 14.5 inches. I've since framed it in a grey pin dot and attached it to an uncut piece of the Reindeer Games print in white.

 (i probably should have pressed it before taking the picture)

I've left the piece quite long... 43 inches. I'm not sure if i'll leave it this length or cut it down but  as soon as i saw the print it screamed that it wanted to be hand quilted. I plan on hand quilting all the little stars all over.

Once again i may be slightly delusional in thinking this will be done for Christmas... the projects for me tend to sit on the back burner for quite a while, but we'll see. After piecing the wonky star block and deciding on hand quilting the stars, i thought i'd just roll with the star theme and make the whole quilt a bit of a star sampler.

So up next...a nice substantial Swoon block...

So, um... this is what happens when you sew while watching Madagascar with a 2 1/2 year old hanging off your arm and a teething six month old screaming in the background.
For those of you who don't see the problem (other than my complete inability to press properly), here's what a proper swoon block looks like.

(one of my Washi print swoon blocks...more pics coming soon.)

In my planning process i decided to use the same grey for the background and colour 1, because i love the way the star pops. I think this is part of why i stitched the block together wrong. You'd think though that i would have noticed a little sooner in the process. You know, after the first corner was stitched on or even while i was pressing it. But nooo, i managed to get all the corners wrong and didn't notice until i stuck it up on my design wall to snap a pic. Doh!

So do i rip the seams and make it a proper swoon block? Or leave it as is... because i kinda like it the way it is. (And i'm not just saying that so i don't have to do all the work again.)
I could always make another swoon block, maybe a mini swoon block?

We'll see.

       until then,
Super Stary high fives!!
  xo snips


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